Tuesday 4 March 2014

Mock FMP - Idea Generation #1

We're starting our Mock FMP/Personal Project this week, so I'm going to use this post for idea generation.

I'll be editing this over time to add new ideas.
At the moment, I'm steering towards designing a TV Show/Comic, as it's something different whilst staying in my pathway of character design.

An idea I had (And did some peliminary sketches for.) but am currently not pursuing is another games project, but different than what I usually do.
The game would have been very dark and mature in tone, and centered around a prison in hell called 'Pandora's Box', that contained all the worlds evil from mythological times and expanding into fiction, urban myth and fantasy.
You'd be controlling Pandora, the first woman ever created and the indvidual that opened the box the first time.
She was sentenced to aptrolling the halls of the box forever as the warden on the prison, growing more demonic as the centuarys went by.
Ther box is opened a second time by Eris, the goddess of chaos, and Pandora is tasked with tracking down the escaped 'convicts', taking her across time and space in a search for histories greatest evils.
Some of the monsters you'd be finding are Medusa, the Frankenstein Monster and his bride, Dracula, the Oni, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, the Wolfman, the Fallen the Slender and more.
Not just great monsters are free, lesser evils like Imps, Demons, Succubi and more.
Along the way, you'd have help from heroic figures, such as Heracles, Icarus, Perseus and so on, although their attitude towards working with the original unleasher of evil is less than lukewarm.
The gameplay would be a hack n' slash game, which is pretty much what the name entails.

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