Sunday 7 October 2012

Symbiosis Project - Life and Death #1

Life and Death is arguably the strongest Symbiotic relationship there is.
Its also one of the most complex, as the philosophy of Life and Death changes from person to person.
For example, Christians believe Life is working your way towards good and gaining your admittance to Heaven, and when death finally comes, they believe themselves to go to the place of eternal peace.
Buddhists believe that Death is merely the start of a new life, as reincarnation is a staple of their beliefs.

For this project, I've chosen Life and Death, but instead of looking at it in a realistic way, I've chosen to look at it if it was two entities, but maybe with a hint of mythology, religion and cultural celebrations.
Life can be depicted as a mother, since no life would be possible unless the mother was present to bear the child, and Death is depicted as a Grim Reaper like figure, but incorporating elements from events such as Day of the Dead and having articles of an executioners outfit and tools on him.

So far, I've done basic sketches of ideas and layouts.
One I've had is Life, depicted as The Mother standing at one side of the composition.
Death stands on the other side, depicted as the Grim Reaper.
Leaves are swirling around both entities and forming into a spiral in the center.
The leaves from Life's side are fresh, healthy looking Leaves, whereas Death's leaves are decayed and rotten.
The background behind both entites is warped to represent the entity that stands before it.
Life's background is a lush field, with trees, insects, animals and all that jazz.
Deaths' background is a continuation of that field, but with dead grass, dead trees, and Gravestones scattered throughout.
The leaves that were being blow into the center, form an image of the earth, with Life's leaves forming the land, and Death's leaves forming the sea. (Despite most life came from the sea to begin with via evolution. >_>)

This is only an idea so far, but I'm incredibly interested in entities, religious and cultural depictions of events and mythology, so if this idea sticks, it could be a very strong piece in the end, but I will experiment with the idea a bit.

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