I coloured in the concept from before, settling on a navy blue attire with silver trim, with a red cloak. I imagined his hair would be navy also, though it could be his hair was black when he was younger, but is turning silver with age. Something in this concept that I haven't kept in future drawings is his blind eye, since I thought it made him a bit more handicapped than needed to be.
From thsi design, I worked forward with the character, as I was certain this character was now in a stage where I could settle on an idea. |
I posted this image on my previous Doomcough post, but I actually drew this after colouring in the first concept. Here, I caricatured Doomcough even more, exploring expressions, poses and seeing what I could do with him, and using this page, I settled on this character design, as he was easy to draw, fun to look at and extremely expressive.
This piece was an A1 page filled with doodles, it was impossible to scan into my computer, so this badly lighted iPod photo will do. |
The drawing on the right was my attempt at seeing if a mustache might fight him, which it didn't, so I made it so he was wearing a fake mustache during a 'classy moment'. The picture on my left was inspired by Looney Tunes, since when a character smiled with a large grin in the Looney Tunes shorts, they occasionally had quite pronounced individual teeth instead of the 'line and fang' I usually do for smiling characters.
This was an idea I had that Doomcough could wear goggles. Some people pointed out that goggles were too 'generic mad scientist', so instead of incorporating them into his normal design, I'm incorporating them whenever Doomcough is building something.
Also, I noticed Doomcoughs head could be called 'Butternut Squash' shaped. So if I need reference for his head shape, I need look no further than the noble butternut squash. |
After the exploratory stage of Doomcough, I decided to draw a 'final' design concept which was quite refined. I used the first coloured image I did as reference, though changing the design in places I thought needed it. (Making his legs one solid piece instead of banded, removing the blind eye, cutting down the detail a bit etc)
Artist Notes: Dr. Doomcough was the character that gave me the idea for this project, and so far, I've really enjoyed developing him as a character, and even now he's one of my favorite characters I've ever designed.
I'll be doing a lot more with this character over the project, expanding his story, character and making him a living, breathing character.
- Dan
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