Thursday 6 March 2014

Mock FMP/Personal Project - Idea - Ninja Story

I've been throwing around a few ideas and have found one I'm fond of.
It started as an idea I doodled before the project started, but quickly discarded because the original concept wasn't very good.
I returned to it yesterday and drew up a character concept for a main thief/ninja character.

The concept I quickly did with my Graphics Tablet.
It's pretty much a story about a ninja/thief who has been hired by a wealthy figure to sabotage the operations of the crimelord, Edgar Von Bubba. (Yes, the same Bubba I used in my Mock FMP last year, but since I've canned the Dash N Smash Racing project outside college due to its unoriginality, I've salvaged the few unique things from it and I'm putting them to use in other projects.)
The thief is betrayed by her employer and is now on the run from the police, but now taking a role of vigilantism to take down both Edgar Von Bubba and her former employer.
Along the way, she has help from her team, but is also pursued by bounty hunters, mercs and all sorts of rabble that want the giant bounty put out on the thief's head.

I think the project would be a comic, as the story is very action-oriented and needs fast flowing imagery to portray it.
The idea could also work as a series of storyboards for an animated movie/TV show too, so I'm going to see which one works the best.

For research and inspiration, I'm looking at media with similar themes, such as Batman for the vigilantism, and Sly Cooper for the thievery.
I'm also looking into how action packed media handles scenes that are fast paced.

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